The Gastro Guide to London Food Markets

Markets London

During our first year in London, we’ve spent a lot of our free time travelling around the city and exploring. It’s what we do. We pick a random place, or bus route, or underground line, and go there. We love food markets, making a bee line for them in whatever city or town we end up in on holiday. You can tell a lot about a city by looking at it’s markets and street food. It’s often quite reflective of the atmosphere or attitude of a city. Right now, there’s nowhere doing it better than our adopted hometown of London.

Whether you’re looking for some cheeky street food before a night out, stacking the kitchen full of organic produce for the week ahead, or looking for a taste sensation during a quick lunch break during the day, London is catering direct to the masses right now in a big way. There’s a heap of village-style and farmers markets popping up all over the city suburbs and there are hundreds to discover. Read on for our full guide to the best of the bunch in the city right now.

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A Year to Date: London 2012

This weekend just gone we were lucky enough to be able to go to the Anniversary Games in the Olympic Stadium in London. A year ago this week we were in London on holiday to experience an amazing two weeks at the London 2012 games. Who would have guessed that exactly a year later we would be back in London, but now as residents, and back in Stratford, living mere minutes away from the stadium itself.


On a post in a former blog incarnation, we detailed our trip – which if you know us, you know is always going to be heavily surrounded by food. Here’s what we saw and what we ate, a year on and reproduced for this blog. The places we ate and things we seen are unlikely to change over the next few years so this is a nice look back for us but still completely relevant for those living and visiting London.

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