Traditions: Little Christmas Canapés Recipes

As you read in our previous post, all about the traditions of ‘Little Christmas’ for the Hanlon household, we promised to share the recipes for some of our original nibbles/finger food/party food ideas. These are inspired by family and adapted by us with a few modern tweaks and festive flavour enhancements.

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Traditions: Little Christmas

Patrick here, for a post close to my heart about one of my family traditions. You see, my family celebrates Christmas in early December…

Christmas is a big deal for us, and always has been. Like many other families in the UK and Ireland, it’s the biggest holiday in our calendar year. It fuels us all; being together, breaking bread as a large unit, we toast to the coming year ahead and reflect on the one gone by. These days, now us ‘kids’ (myself, my sisters and all my cousins) are mostly all adults, it’s often the sole time we get to see each other – the one time all year we’re all in the same room together to catch up and spend time together.

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November 2013: Snapshots

It’s been a hectic November in the lives of the GastroGays. We celebrated Patrick’s birthday, hosted a couple more family and friends on trips to see us and both of us have our heads down working our ways towards Christmas and tying up ‘ting’ before we head back home to Ireland for a week at Christmas.

The new year will bring a fresh change of scenery for us. No, we’re not moving country again (once a year is more than enough for us)! But we are re-locating. Just a few streets away within our current area, all going well. So send your positive vibes please…

We have lots of Christmassy content coming your way all throughout December so keep your eyes peeled, it’s going to be a fantastic month…