Prove It!

Bread making is an activity which firmly its place in the history books of cuisines around the world. Every country has their own versions, their own flavours and even their own methods of production. Every person has their personal preference too; white or brown; soda or wheaten; wrap or pitta. Most chefs and cooks have their own way of making it too. Considering all these variables, I don’t understand why I decided to take it upon myself to make my own bread. Over the course of the last month, I have been baking non-stop. Kneading has become my new favourite past time, replacing staying in bed and clock watching. It all stems back from watching The Fabulous Baker Brothers, shown on Channel 4.

Source: Daily Mail

Source: Daily Mail

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Dublin City Food

Sandwiches are a firm favourite of the people of Ireland, spanning the 32 counties. And what isn’t to love about them? It is a blank canvas to create a mouthwatering snack conjured up in your wildest dreams, wedged between a fluffy frame.

Dublin is awash with bog standard corner shop delis who will do the work you should’ve done at home for double the cost. But thankfully there are some great glutenous gems cropping up – one in particular which you must try.

Dublin city food restaurant andrews street

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Camden Kitchen

You would never expect to find such exceptional quality just off Camden Street. The areas of Camden and Harcourt Street hold somewhat of a bad rep as a rough area, which is party-focused on the weekends. Though not littered with late night eateries like Grafton or O’Connell Street, it does leave a little to be desired quality-wise.

In saying that, as new tenants in the D8 area, we have had some exceptional meals on Camden Street during 2012. Special mentions go to Green Nineteen who serve international dishes, in a home cooked style paired with a great tipple selection. We chose some craft beers which were on offer – delicious! Another mention goes to Bobo’s Burger joint who prepare sinful, ultra indulgent burgers using the freshest Irish beef.

Now let’s move a few steps towards the end of the street to a completely otherworldly establishment – Camden Kitchen. Nestled just off Camden on Grantham Street, this little bistro looks like it has been teleported from Paris itself. A large window at the front allows walkers-by to glance in and diners inside to peer out in ultra French bistro style.

But don’t be fooled – you won’t find oeufs en cocette or coq au vin in this restaurant. What’s served is organic and seasonal Irish fare on a wholly Irish menu.

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